For Track Number

When the express company gave the track number,We will email it to you in time.

We will send the package to express company and email the track number to customer in 48 hours after payment.

When the express company gave the track number,We will email it to you in time.It is need 2–5 days ,Bcause it depends on the express company. So dont worry for it.

Any question, contact us, we will answer you in time.

How to track your package?

When we gave the track number to you,Then you can tack your package online ,put your track number in following search bar . you will know where you package.

For now the track number will have update need 5–15 days, because all the package need past the us custom frist, then will send to express company in us, then will have update. hope you understand.

For package delivery:

  • If the flight is on time you will receive the product in following 8–15 days
  • If the flight delay you will receive the product in following 13–18 days
  • In special cases, it may take 20–25 days.   
  • Dont worry for it. any question,ask us by email frist If you dont receive the package in 30 days, kindly email tell us, We will resend the package to you.

We also track the pacakge each day,If have any question, kindly contact us : [email protected]

or send a inuqiry to us. For more information kindly check F.A.Q